DEHA Facility Grant Program

DEHA invites equestrians and organizations to submit funding requests for projects which will enhance, preserve, steward, or construct equestrian trails, stables, arenas, horse camps and staging areas in Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, or Solano Counties.

DEHA is offering assistance to organizations that provide riding experiences with the potential of creating the next generation of equestrians. Priority will be given to youth programs, with community involvement and financial need, that include components of equine care, riding, land & trails stewardship. Matching funding of at least 50% is a requirement for this grant.

Priority will be given to the following projects

  • Projects that preserve, promote, create or enhance access to public trails used by equestrians.

  • Equestrian facilities that are connected or adjacent to public trail networks.

  • Equestrian facilities that have public access or host equestrian shows and/or events.

  • Improvements to multi-use trails, including connectors, amenities, trail purchase easements, equestrian staging areas, purchase & development rights.

  • Projects with an educational component such as those that encourage future trail riders and those that encourage participation in equestrian activities by those who have limited access to horses and nature.

  • Grant recipients shall submit a report within one year documenting how monies were used and with what result, and provide photos, updates or videos of the final project.

Questions should be submitted by email to before completing the form. If your application is incomplete, we may request you resubmit a complete application next grant period.

DEHA retains the right to modify program requirements and funding at any time.